
Registration for the 2025-2026 Preschool is now open. Sign up HERE


Hello Parents,

We will continue to offer both a 4-day and a 5-day program for the 2025-2026 school year that follows the school day (child must be 4 years old on or before August 1, 2025).  However, we have limited spots available for the 5-day program, and the Friday class will be a full day of Science Technology Engineering Art and Math.

We will also offer a 4-day morning preschool program and an afternoon 2-day preschool program. The half-day programs are available for children age 3 and age 4, (child must be 3 years old on or before August 1, 2025).

Costs for the programs are listed below.  We anticipate the 5- day option filling quickly. Thank you for your support of our program. If you have any questions please contact Rhonda Hill, 317-835-3003,

After you have pre-registered, you will be contacted and have one week to bring the following items to the Triton Elementary to retain your registration:

1.      $50 Nonrefundable Registration Fee

2.      Copy of Your Child’s Birth Certificate

3.      Copy of Your Child’s Immunization Records

4.      Proof of Residency (You do not need to live in the Northwestern School District.)

5.      Copy of Your Driver’s License

2025-2026 Options

All-Day Preschool 5 Days Per Week, 5th Day STEAM      - $352.00                                               

All-Day (AM) Preschool 4 Days Per Week  (Monday-Thursday) - $330.00                             

Half-Day (AM) Preschool 4 Days Per Week  (Monday-Thursday) - $176.00                                

 Half-Day (PM) Preschool 2 Days Per Week (Tuesday & Thursday) - $82.50                                


Parents or legal guardians of a student seeking enrollment may verify residency and proof of legal settlement in the District’s geographic boundaries through the following method:

  1. Parent/legal guardian must provide both an Indiana driver’s license or state ID with current address and a deed, building permit, rental agreement, mortgage statement, current lease (including term, address of leased property, name and phone number of the lessor, name of the lessee and a listing of tenants), or property tax statement in the parent/legal guardian’s name and at an address in the District boundaries.

  1. Parent/legal guardian must also provide two of the following: a current water bill, gas bill, electric bill, auto insurance bill, bank statement, or pay stub with address in the parent/legal guardian’s name and for an address in the District boundaries.

  1. If, and only if, the parent/legal guardian and student are living with another family member or individual residing in the District’s geographic boundaries, and the parent/legal guardian cannot verify residency through numbers 1 and 2, the parent/legal guardian can provide a sworn and notarized statement from the legal resident of the home in the District’s boundary attesting to the Parent/legal guardian and Student’s residency at the address in the District boundaries.

In the event that a notarized statement of residence is provided, the Parent/legal guardian must still provide two of the documents from number 2 above.

Admission is also open to out-of-district students. Students without legal settlement in the District may be enrolled in compliance with Policy 5111 and state law. Transfer students shall apply for enrollment by the deadline established by the Board; however transfer requests may be granted up to the state of Indiana' s fall student count day (generally the second Friday of September) of the school year if capacity allows. No transfer requests shall be entertained after fall count day for a particular school year.

Early Childhood

Northwestern Consolidated School District provides preschool programming for children ages 3-5 years old who have been evaulated by NWCSD and found to have significant delays in speech, learning, hearing, vision, motor skills and other areas of development at no cost to parents.

We offer free screenings and evaluations (for NWCSD residents only), if parents or caregivers suspect their child may have delays in their skills.  Preschoolers who receive early intervention are better prepared to enter kindergarten classes.

You may also contact Terri Branson, Director of Special Education, at 317-835-3003,

Triton Central Preschools Classroom Information

Teachers and other school personnel will work together with parents and community members to create a positive and safe learning environment where children achieve excellence, embrace diversity, and become life-long learners.

  1. Preschool will follow the NWCSD calendar.

  2. Regular attendance is important.  Your child is learning many skills which are preparing them for kindergarten.  Please plan to send your child on time to each session they are scheduled to attend.  However, illnesses and emergencies are excused. If your child must be absent from school, please call 317-835-3003 to report absence.

  3. Preschoolers for both the half day and full day session must be fully toilet trained during the day time.

  4. Parents of preschoolers must provide transportation to and from preschool. Childcare will not be provided before and after school for preschool children.

  5. Payments (cash, check, money order or online payment) are due by the 1st of each month. Failure to pay in a timely manner will result in the child’s removal from the preschool program. Payment will be required for 10 months.  At the time of enrollment, a non-refundable registration fee is required.

  6. For the All Day Preschool program, your child must be 4 years old on or before August 1, 2025. Drop off is at 8:40 am at the gymnasium door, pickup is at 3:40 pm at the gymnasium door.  Lunch and breakfast will be offered at a daily rate or child may bring their own.

  7. The half day program is available for children 3 & 4 (must be age 3 on or before August 1, 2025) in the morning. Drop off for the morning session is 8:40 am at the gymnasium door, pick up is 11:30 am at the gymnasium door.

  8. An afternoon session will be offered for a 2-day option for children age 3 and age 4. Drop off for the afternoon session is 12:50 pm at the gymnasium door, pick up is 3:40 pm at the gymnasium door.

If you child rides the special education bus the driver will communicate the pick-up and drop-off
times with you.


Developmental Milestones



Early Literacy

Learning to Read

Early Reading Resource

Letters and Sounds

Early Writing Skills 

Language Development

Recommended Reading



Social Emotional Behaviors

Everyday Ideas to Help Children Increase Social Skills Practice

Parent Tools and Training Modules for Social Emotional Early Development

Practical Strategies for Parents and Caregivers for Teaching Social Emotional Skills



Early Learning Foundations


Preschool Staff

Lead Teachers

Makenzie Becker

Ciara Griffith

Ashley Kerr

Nickole Mitchell

Terri Branson, Director of Special Education/Preschool Director

Instructional Assistants

Deanna Gentry and Krystle Hiott

Heather Bangel

Wanda Brumfield

Malia Isaacs