FTA Basketball Sign-Ups are THIS Saturday-Lets Go Tigers!
Friday, Nov. 12th...Regional Football Game @ TC vs Evansville Mater Dei, 6:30 PM START.....$8 Tickets, CASH ONLY at Gate-NO Passes!
FTA Basketball Info!
School pictures are being sent home with the students today. Please look in their backpacks before they get wrinkled!
Please see the attached info-thanks and lets once again turn Tiger Nation PINK!!!!!!!!
Click on the link below for information on the Triton Central Surplus Auction on Saturday October 23, 2021 @ 10:00 A.M.
FTA Basketball Info!
Volleyball Club 2021-2022
School Picture Retake Day is October 14th
Pre-order link : https://inter-state.com/flyerentry/61817Z
*Please note: Students wishing to have a replacement package printed, must return their original picture package on retake day.
FTA Basketball Sign-up Form:
FTA Basketball Info for grades PreK-8th; Let's Go Tigers!
Parent-Teacher Conferences
An important message from Chartwells regarding supply chain issues. Please following this link: https://5il.co/zr4b
Reminder...5th & 6th Grade LTB tryouts start on Monday, Sept. 27th-Let's Go Tigers!
Starting TUES., SEPT. 14th ALL individuals attending INSIDE Athletic/ECA events on the TC campus will be required to wear a mask; no matter age or if vaccinated.
Coaches/Athletes will wear them at INDOOR activities EXCEPT when an Athlete is directly involved with an activity.
Please go to the following link for important information pertaining to the Shelby County School Mask Mandate
5th & 6th Grade LTB Tryout Info...Lets Go Tigers!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow, Thursday, September 2nd is school picture day!
TC Football TONIGHT vs Greensburg-7p
FTA players/cheerleaders/coaches in uniform get in free-parents pay $6; buy tickets online early-link below.
Kids will be announced at 1/2 time, listen to PA for when to meet in endzone.
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