The first FTA Basketball Practice is this Saturday, Nov. 20th in the TC Fieldhouse...please report during your grade levels timeslot and you will be directed to your team/coach-Go Tigers!
Congratulations to TC's own Josh Landis for being named the HECC (Hoosier Educational Computer Coordinators) Technology Coordinator of the Year!
FTA Info!
FTA Basketball Sign-Ups are THIS Saturday-Lets Go Tigers!
TCES PTO Texas Roadhouse Roll Pick-up TONIGHT!
November Principal's Post:
Friday, Nov. 12th...Regional Football Game @ TC vs Evansville Mater Dei, 6:30 PM START.....$8 Tickets, CASH ONLY at Gate-NO Passes!
FTA Basketball Info!
Please see the attached info-thanks and lets once again turn Tiger Nation PINK!!!!!!!!
Click on the link below for information on the Triton Central Surplus Auction on Saturday October 23, 2021 @ 10:00 A.M.
Thank you to our TC High School Marching Band! We enjoyed your performance today!
Red Ribbon Spirit Week
FTA Basketball Info!
If you took home an order form on parent teacher conference night, please turn those in no later than Wednesday, October 13th.
Please check out this month's Principal's Post!
FTA Basketball Sign-up Form:
FTA Basketball Info for grades PreK-8th; Let's Go Tigers!
October 5th PTO Meeting RESCHEDULED!
An important message from Chartwells regarding supply chain issues. Please following this link:
Starting TUES., SEPT. 14th ALL individuals attending INSIDE Athletic/ECA events on the TC campus will be required to wear a mask; no matter age or if vaccinated.
Coaches/Athletes will wear them at INDOOR activities EXCEPT when an Athlete is directly involved with an activity.