Details on Grandparents Day Event...
over 2 years ago, Heather Gant
August Principal's Post...check it out!
over 2 years ago, Heather Gant
Principal's Post
Reminder: Monday, August 22, 2022 is a PARTIAL eLearning Day! Elementary students will begin dismissal at 11:40 AM.
over 2 years ago, Heather Gant
FTA Football & Cheer Night THIS Friday at the Varsity Football Game vs Cascade, 7p start, Let's Go Tigers! *Kids/coaches in uniform/shirts get in free-Parents will pay $6 each. *Kids announced at 1/2 time...listen for PA about when to meet in the end zone near scoreboard.
over 2 years ago, Bryan Graham
ATTENTION to any girl wanting to play Lady Tiger Basketball...we need a few more 3rd graders/players to make a full team-reach out to Coach Matt.
over 2 years ago, Bryan Graham
Attention all 3rd & 4th Grade Girls who want to play Lady Tiger Basketball....Please come on Wednesday, August 10th to the Elem Gym from 6:30-8 PM...parents can stay. If your new to the LTB Program and have questions, reach out to Coach Matt.
over 2 years ago, Bryan Graham
Attention all 3rd & 4th Grade Girls who want to play Lady Tiger Basketball....Please come on Wednesday, August 10th to the Elem Gym from 6:30-8 PM...parents can stay. If your new to the LTB Program and have questions, each out to Coach Matt.
over 2 years ago, Bryan Graham
Bus Route information for the 2022-2023 school year is ready to be viewed. You can find this information under the Parent Resource tab on the school website.
over 2 years ago, Triton Central
Back to School 2022 Principal's Post
over 2 years ago, Heather Gant
Principal's Post
It's back to school time!!!
over 2 years ago, Heather Gant
2022-2023 School Picture Day
over 2 years ago, Heather Gant
picture day
LTB workout is for grades 3,4,5,6,7,8.
over 2 years ago, Bryan Graham
Interested in playing in the Lady Tigers Basketball Fall League again or for the first time, join us for a Workout in the Fieldhouse on Sunday, July 24 from 6-7:45p; parent meeting at 6p. If you can not attend but want to play, let Coach Graham know…
over 2 years ago, Bryan Graham
Open House for all students will be Monday, August 1st from 5:00-7:00 PM. Classroom placement will be available and students will be able to visit their classrooms, meet their teacher, and drop off school supplies. Childcare registration form must be completed if you intend to use childcare on the first day of school. Car Rider registration form and car tags will be available and should be completed if you intend to pick your child up regularly.
over 2 years ago, Triton Central
This is a Reminder that our 2022-2023 Returning Student Registration is now OPEN! If you have not completed your child's registration it is important that you do so as soon as possible. Parents will use their PowerSchool Parent Portal to complete registration for returning students. Please visit the parent powerschool website at and clicking on the link labeled Returning Student Application on bottom left of the menu bar. If you have multiple students, each will have a tab at the top of the page and each student registration will need to be completed individually. The registration deadline is Friday, July 22nd so that we can plan bus routes and finalize schedules for this coming school year. If you are experiencing problems with registration, you can call the Technology Hotline Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM at 317-480-1298.
over 2 years ago, Josh Landis
This is the Northwestern Consolidated School District of Shelby County with an important message. Our 2022-2023 Returning Student Registration is now OPEN! Parents will use their PowerSchool Parent Portal to complete registration for returning students. Parents can do so by logging in with their parent powerschool account at and clicking on the link labeled Returning Student Application on bottom left of the menu bar. If you have multiple students, each will have a tab at the top of the page and each student registration will need to be completed individually. The registration deadline is Friday, July 22nd so that we can plan bus routes and finalize schedules for this coming school year. If you are experiencing problems with registration, you can call the Technology Hotline Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM at 317-480-1298. Enjoy the rest of your summer and we will see you back at Triton Central Schools soon!
over 2 years ago, Josh Landis
FTA Baseball results for 6 to 8 year old...Cubs-2022 Regular Season & Tourney Champs! Jamison Landis, Rodger Gonzalez Siegel, Mason Blair, Hayden Davis, Darren Leavelle, Jacoby Baldwin, Gavin Ploog, Josiah Mapes, Coach Ploog, Coach Jennings, Coach Mathews, Coach Mapes
over 2 years ago, Bryan Graham
FTA Baseball
FTA Baseball Results 3 to 5 year old Mets-2022 Regular Season Champs! James Mohr, Joseph Mohr, Quinnyn Skipton, Anderson Brown, Max Martin, Kyelyn Skipton, McKenna Smith Coaches left to right: Andrea Mohr, Ben Mohr, Kris Skipton *Not Pictured: Myla Martin
over 2 years ago, Bryan Graham
FTA Baseball
FTA Baseball Results: 3 to 5 year old Red Sox-2022 Tourney Champs! Natalie Emsweller, Sophia Barnhill, Wyatt Perfield, Zander Mapes, Nash Sutherland, Hunter Bangel, Evalynn Robinson. Back Row: Coach Doug Sutherland, Not Pictured: Mara Ruby Lockett and Coach Zach Lockett
over 2 years ago, Bryan Graham
FTA Baseball
NEW EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: TCHS Resource Teacher, TCHS Instructional Assistant, TCHS English Teacher, and TCES Title I Instructional Assistant. Follow this link for information and application instructions for these positions:
over 2 years ago, Triton Central